Stone River Elearning – Unity 5 2D and 3D Game Development
This is the most comprehensive course on Unity 3d on the Internet. We are avid game developers and were tired of all the junk out there – teaching students how to make 3D cubes without real world game development.
Here are some of the things you will learn:
- Installation & setup
- Physics
- Pathfinding
- Basic artificial intelligence
- Lightning & lightmapping
- Camera animations & cutscenes
- Character animations
- Scripting, scripting, scripting!
- Materials & skyboxes
- Sound FX & music
- Multiplayer over LAN & Internet
- Particle FX
- Melee & ranged battle systems
- Tower Defense Game
- Adventure Game
- Zombies!
- And a ton more….
Course Curriculum
- Unity 3D Course Overview (7:03)
- Downloading & installing Unity 3D (macOS) (6:31)
- Downloading & installing Unity 3D (Windows) (6:29)
- Zombie Roller – Your First Unity 3D Game (41:48)
- Unity 3D pricing plans (3:51)
- Variables in Unity 3D (12:08)
- Numbers in Unity 3D (19:54)
- Conditionals in Unity 3D (22:52)
- Arrays & loops in Unity 3D (27:52)
- Functions & methods in Unity 3D (29:13)
- Object oriented programming & inheritance in Unity (23:37)
- Intro to Haunted Zombie Rush in Unity (1:05)
- 3D Game Assets for your games in Unity (3:20)
- Unity 3D interface overview (9:01)
- Project creation & importing assets into Unity 3D (5:09)
- Working with lighting & materials in Unity 3D (14:41)
- Altering shaders in Unity 3D (6:51)
- Switching build platforms in Unity 3D (10:05)
- Moving objects in Unity 3D (22:41)
- Coroutines & wait times in Unity 3D (23:12)
- Inheritance & reusability in Unity 3D (13:53)
- Importing & animating a character model in Unity 3D (17:35)
- Unity 3D rigidbody & adding force with physics (27:23)
- Working with audio in Unity 3D (8:32)
- Detection collisions & using assertions in Unity 3D (13:27)
- Game state & singletons in Unity 3D (22:42)
- Creating a 2nd camera & how to make UI in Unity 3D (14:32)
- Exercise – Extending your Unity 3D Game (4:33)
- Switching to a better code editor (VS Code) (13:00)
- Intro to Devslopes Defender Unity 3D game (0:47)
- The 2D Game Assets for your games in Unity (1:50)
- Importing sprites & grid snapping in Unity 3D Part 1 (18:06)
- Importing sprites & grid snapping in Unity 3D Part 2 (28:26)
- Animations & 2D colliders in Unity 3D (29:08)
- Game manager singleton & spawning in Unity 3D (29:15)
- Enemy pathfinding in Unity 3D (31:46)
- Generics & singletons in Unity 3D (26:38)
- Data encapsulation, spritesheets, & buttons in Unity 3D (29:43)
- 2D Raycasts, tags, and placing towers in Unity 3D (24:39)
- Projectiles, colliders, and more tower placement in Unity 3D (29:48)
- Registering enemies & distance-based attacks in Unity 3D (34:10)
- Shooting projectiles at enemies in Unity 3D (37:23)
- Killing enemies & other animations in Unity 3D (29:37)
- More UI & finishing touches in Unity 3D (28:33)
- UI Labels & buttons for GUI in Unity 3D (33:17)
- Building your Unity 3D game logic part 1 (27:23)
- Building your Unity 3D game logic part 2 (24:23)
- Adding sound FX to your Unity 3D game (24:06)
- Spawning random enemies in your Unity 3D game (6:04)
- Intro to Legend of Devslopes in Unity- (0:45)
- Prepping the Unity project & building the level (32:02)
- Importing character assets into Unity (28:02)
- Creating the character animation controller in Unity (41:12)
- Animating the player in Unity (29:22)
- Enemy pathfinding & navigation in Unity (27:59)
- Rigidbody and weapons in Unity (20:32)
- Implementing enemy attack systems in Unity (20:31)
- Implementing player health in Unity (33:19)
- Enemy health & player attack in Unity (37:41)
- Heads up display UI in Unity (14:50)
- Particle systems in Unity (18:49)
- How to create spawn points in Unity (4:27)
- Game manager singleton in Unity (33:41)
- Adjusting animations in Unity (7:43)
- 16-Creating ranged arrow attacks in Unity (40:20)
- Health powerup feature and logic in Unity (28:41)
- Speed powerup feature and logic in Unity (21:55)
- Creating a game menu in Unity (34:58)
- Legend of Devslopes finishing touches in Unity (17:18)
- Intro to Devcraft game (0:39)
- Creating your first plane of cubes (41:52)
- Create Multiple Voxels (36:15)
- Creating multiple chunks of Voxels (22:00)
- Adding Dimensions (23:39)
- Setting up textures for mobile (45:30)
- Camera setup for our character (29:52)
- Adding movement to your character (30:00)
- Building and destroying blocks (29:04)
- Character Spawning (13:41)
- Fixing a few bugs (7:41)
- Rotating your character (5:09)
- Adding Audio (9:43)
- Building your game to Android (10:36)
- Building your game to iOS (5:50)
- Intro to lightning (1:12)
- Working with skyboxes & directional lights in Unity (11:06)
- Creating particle effects in Unity (26:00)
- Using point lights to create mood in Unity 3D (16:49)
- Working with spot lights & subtle light changes (0:33)
- How to use cookies in lighting in Unity (9:12)
- How to bake lighting & support mobile games in Unity (8:16)
- Intro to Animation & Cinematics in Unity 3D (1:20)
- Unity 3D animation editor (17:01)
- Unity cutscenes, cameras, & animation events (22:06)
- Animation curves, camera management, & character cinematics in Unity (25:28)
- Intro to Skeletons VS Zombies (1:55)
- Pathfinding with Navigation Mesh in Unity 3D (14:22)
- Camera controls for MOBA in Unity (8:05)
- Point & click movement with pathfinding in Unity (7:25)
- Shooting fireballs – bullets in Unity (6:57)
- Intro to Unity 3D multiplayer (13:50)
- Network Manager & spawn points (19:30)
- Networking & player movement in Unity (7:21)
- Networking projectiles in Unity (21:56)
- SyncVars & keeping game data synchronized across the network in Unity (29:07)
- Rpc & calling client functions from the server in Unity (12:28)
- Unity Multiplayer Service & online matchmaking in Unity (7:27)
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