Stone River Elearning – hapiJS Crash Course
Develop enterprise grade applications using hapiJS
From this course you will learn…
- Introducing you to hapiJs and getting you familiar with the basics.
- What is hapiJs?
- Why use hapiJs?
- Comparing hapiJs with express
- When you should and shouldn’t use hapiJs
- How to build an API and website parts of the application
- We also cover more advanced concepts such as ·
- Debugging with node inspector
- Composing your server with Glue
- You’re going to learn all of this And So Much More!
- You should already be familiar with Javascript and NodeJs in general
- You should know about HTML and CSS and probably have heard of Twitter Bootstrap
- This course will NOT show you how to setup your development environment (IDE, NodeJs, Git, etc.)
- Prior knowledge to a NoSQL database like MongoDB and RethinkDB is helpful but not required
- Windows, Mac, or Linux PC
Course Curriculum
- hapiJs walkthrough (4:24)
- Introducing the sample project (5:03)
- My development environment (7:04)
- Hello World (8:32)
- Introduction (2:26)
- Server (9:50)
- Routes and handlers (12:23)
- Request lifecycle, object and extension points (9:17)
- Plugins (11:05)
- API design (3:25)
- API project setup (2:37)
- Implementing endpoints using static data (7:12)
- Modularizing code using plugins (3:12)
- Introduction to MongoDB (3:44)
- Adding MongoDB to the table (19:58)
- Validation with Joi (8:01)
- Http friendly errors with Boom (2:38)
- Authentication (14:49)
- Testing the endpoints with Postman (5:03)
- Website overview (1:36)
- Website project setup (2:34)
- Serving static files (4:42)
- Using handlebars as templating engine (15:45)
- Login and user sessions (8:52)
- Calling an external API with Wreck (9:44)
- Validation with Joi (8:37)
- Creating custom error pages (5:50)
- Introduction (0:33)
- Nodemon (1:50)
- Debugging with node-Inspector and tv (5:58)
- Display routes table on up with Blipp (1:13)
- Composing your server with Glue (5:00)
- Generating a documentation with Lout (3:29)
- File uploads (5:09)
- Client-side caching (8:00)
- Server-side caching with Catbox (12:26)
- Working with Cookies (4:50)
- Third-party authentication with Bell (14:26)
- API versioning (10:34)
- Realtime apps with nes and RethinkDB (17:39)
- Using boilerplates for productivity boost (5:47)
- Introduction (0:28)
- Setting common security headers (2:36)
- Getting familiar with CORS (10:53)
- Protection from CSRF attacks with Crumb (9:13)
- Introduction (0:39)
- Automated testing with Lab and Code (14:30)
- Logging with Good (8:42)
- Using Poop for uncaught exceptions (2:29)
- Cloud deployment on Heroku (10:50)
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