Katrina Ruth Programs – Journal Your Way to Rich, Successful, Free
Can you believe it? I’m practically giddy about this! And more than little bit over-hyper-buzzed-jumping-off-the-walls (okay it’s all the same thing; you get the idea though!), and this is hands down one of THE most transformational programs I’ve ever run!
In fact, ever SINCE I ran it, nearly 2 years ago now, people have been begging me to bring it back!
Well, guess what? Not only am I bringing back the OG #JournalYourWayRichSuccessfulFree badassery in ALL it’s damn glory and finery, and not ONLY is it still at 2016 pricing, but I am ADDING to it …
And then some!
Yep, you heard that right! I’m RE-opening the doors to my signature GET THE DAMN LIFE YOU WANT, ALL OF IT course, 30 Days to Journal Your Way to Rich, Successful, Free, ALL original content yours to have and to hold (and damn use!) and keep for life, PLUS we going live up in this bitch!
* Everything listed below on this page
* ALL original content, yours to keep for life
* The keys to the kingdom of my MOST transformational mindset program ever!
* Recording of the Live Deep Dive Workshop with MEEEEEE – “This is How I Manifest” (includes my exact breakdown and process around INSTANT manifestation, plus full overview of everything you need to understand / have in place for that to become your REALITY)
* Free copy of my book 100 Shit Hot Journaling Questions to Ask to Create Exceptional Success in Business and Life
AND – as if that weren’t all enough, and even though this goes COMPLETELY against what I would normally do in a program priced this low –
* Weekly copies of my ACTUAL journaling, photographed for you straight out of my beautiful gold-leafed book, plus an accompanying breakdown of what I dived into, and how to apply that!
All of this PLUS –
Daily.Freaking.Content – YES, every day for 30 days – to guide you exactly on how you too can Journal Your Way to Rich, Successful, Free!
I know! YOWZERS!
Sign up now to the at home study programme and save 30%! You can get this now for just $347!
Change your perception, change your life – how to stretch the edges of possibility and reality and live the impossible NOW! Deep dive training and implementation exercises with Katrina Ruth!!
No Need To Tell Me More, Kat, I’m In! Sign Me Up Like The Driven Do Something MOFO I am!
Ready to Journal and CREATE to Rich, Successful, FREE?
Click the button above to sign up and pay just $347 upfront (best price) OR to take the payment plan option!
If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that success? Begins and ends in the mind.
EVERYTHING you want, dream of, believe you should or could be able to have absolutely IS within reach, and all you have to do to bring it to life?
Is call it fucking in.
I completely believe and know that you have full power to write and RECEIVE your reality, and there is literally nothing you can dream of that is too much. in fact, I believe you don’t even GET a dream given to you or passed through your mind unless it’s meant to be yours!
And for as long as I can remember I’ve felt that this was true. For over 25 years now I’ve bought books with titles like “Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life”, “Think and Grow Rich”, “Believe It and It’s Done”, and so on. And The Secret? I was all OVER that shit baby! I just always KNEW there is something BIG to all of this stuff. I never questioned it.
And I don’t know about you, but for me it wasn’t like I was desperately or needily HOPING for it to be real, because I wanted to get out of the doing the work or something, it was just that I KNEW IN MY HEART IT WAS REAL.
I fucking KNEW it! You know?
But the thing is …
Despite ALL my intentions and beliefs and the very best of efforts …
Have you ever felt like you KNOW the freaking secret but you just don’t have the key to get at it? I can tell you I fought and clawed and focused and really REALLY freaking tried everything to implement what I was learning. I mean, I was soaking that shit UP, and doing everything I possibly could to absorb it into my cells but it just.didn’t.work!
And I couldn’t understand WHY, because I KNEW, I fucking KNEW that it was true.
Do you want to know a secret? No, not THAT secret, we already all know that secret! Let me just cut to the chase here for you:
I figured it the fuck out.
It wasn’t easy.
It was NOT a smooth upward ride.
in fact I’m going to say I should probably get some kind of prize for fucking it up as much as I did along the way! Despite all of the reading and the learning and the knowing I actually ended up over 100k in debt and damn near bankrupt, but worse still?
I wasn’t doing the WORK I knew I was meant to be doing.
I wasn’t living my CALLING.
I wasn’t being who I was born to be and more than I even knew that this whole thing about BELIEVING and RECEIVING was true I knew even MORE than that, that baby?
I was born to MAKE millions.
IMPACT millions.
And change the fucking world.
I was born the 1% within the 1% within the 1 perCENT and this life of struggle and fight and soul-struggling misalignment not only SUCKED BALLS on the money side of things but it just wasn’t what I was BORN for.
So I made up my mind.
I was DONE.
Done with the playing small.
Done with WAITING.
Done with hoping and TRYING to get shit to work.
Done with ANYTHING that wasn’t in fucking alignment, done with not living my PURPOSE.
I call it my “fuck this shit moment”, because honestly, I just reached this breaking point, and it was like a switch flicking where I just knew that NEVER AFUCKINGGAIN would I sit there berating myself for not going all in, for not pressing play!
And that was it.
Do you see?
I made a fucking CHOICE to CALL IN the life I really wanted and was done WAITING ON.
And then?
Well then I went and fucking did it.
Since then I have created an online EMPIRE which grosses over 400k per MONTH cash received and is quadrupling every 6 months.
Better still? It is COMPLETELY aligned. All I do every day is wake up, and be me. Wake up and press play!
I get to write and speak and create and message and live life completely on my terms, doing the work I know I was born to do and sharing the truth I know I came here to share!
Do you want to know how I did this, and how I then brought it to life?
Do you want to know what the foundation was, which I then use to LEAP?
Do you want to know how it is that every single damn THING I desire in my life I get to now HAVE, from the money, to the impact, to the soulmate clients and friends, to the bikini body, the lifestyle, the LIFE?
Well …
I’m glad you asked!
Introducing Journal Your Way to Rich, Successful, Free … for the DRIVEN Mofo Who Just Wants More, AND Is Gonna Get it!
What this is?
Well BABY, isn’t it obvious? It’s a revofuckingLUTION, of DRIVEN badasses who WANT more but are also willing to go GET it.
Let’s get real here for a moment:
You can believe all you WANT, but if you’re not acting on the beliefs from a mindset practice AND practical fucking action point of view DAILY, then you’re beliefs ain’t worth shit.
And here’s the thing –
Your beliefs ARE worth shit, EVERYTHING you feel inside of you is real and will BECOME real, but for that to happen YOU have to be willing to step up.
In Journal Your Way to Rich, Successful, Free I’m going to kick your freaking ass to actually do the work that works.
I have HAD it with driven leaders who WERE born for more not CREATING more because they don’t get or just don’t LIVE the critical importance of creating your reality in your MIND before you worry a single second about HUSTLING.
EVERYTHING starts from within, don’t you get it?
So when you say you journal sometimes … or just when you’re stuck … or even if you DO do it daily but you don’t see it working, that honestly breaks my HEART. And I wish I could come around to your house and SHAKE you into living your truth and creating your life on purpose, but since I can’t?
We’re gonna do this instead …
Back for a limited time, Class of 2018 is in session!!! We are going LIVE again to Journal your way to Rich, Successful and Free!
So Here is What’s Going Down!
30 Days.
You and me.
JOURNALING with intent to get YOU to Rich. Successful. Free.
I’ll be guiding you (not too forcefully … maybe!) DAILY on exactly what to do and exactly how to do it, so you know how to CREATE from within, so you actually SEE it come to life during our time together, and so you create the INGRAINED habit of being a person who actually fucking THINKS their life into being.
We’ll be looking at:
- What journaling really is, what it does, how it works and how TO work it rather than just write shit in a book
- Intention setting and creating your day in advance, how freaking real that is and EXACTLY how to roll it out
- ACHIEVING to FULL completion in your mind so that the practical actions you then have to take afterwards are just a follow on of WHAT YOU ALREADY MANIFESTED
- Why this shit hasn’t worked for you before despite you KNOWING and BELIEVING. (Reality check!)
- How to create a consistent and automated mindset, intention setting and journaling practice no matter HOW freaking busy you are
- How to CREATE time through your journaling practice
- The RIGHT way to do money work through journaling
- How to CALL IN the exact amount of money you want to make, and receive it on REPEAT, but also how to call in ANYTHING you want (hot body … soulmate clients .. more energy … VIFP goodies and fun … you NAME it and it’s DONE!)
- The fastest and most EFFECTIVE way to deal with limiting beliefs, overwhelm, fear, resistance, being STUCK … did you know that just writing about this shit is NOT the way to deal with it? I’ll show you what is!
All of this and more will be coming at you in the form of daily deep dive trainings and action tasks to get you into IMMEDIATE action, flow, and RESULTS.
But there’s more still! Apart from everything above, we’ll also be covering:
- Coming up with IDEAS that sell
- Getting into CERTAINTY around your success before you even make a single sales move on your offer
- Seeing even your CRAZIEST big-ass dreams being real and fully believing they are
- How to control your PHYSICAL state through journaling, everything from your energy, to motivation and focus, to calm and happy emotions, even how you sleep and how you LOOK!
- How to manifest PEOPLE and get them to do what you want (I promise this is not as weird as it sounds and it’s also not about CONTROLLING people, everything I teach is fully in alignment and completely within the realms of what is normal and available to ALL of us!)
- How to know whether it’s your gut talking or not
- Accessing your inner wisdom and truth
- CLARITY around who you really are, what you really want, ANYTHING
- How to give yourself permission to BE who you are and fully own the status you know you’re meant to step into and live FROM it
- How to step into a faster pace of working, living, creating and getting RESULTS
- Creating and LIVING in a new normal, from ease and flow
- MORE AND MORE money, impact, success, FREEDOM, every single day, from flow and COMPLETELY on your terms!
And so much more besides that I can’t even begin to tell you, or this sales page is gonna get out of control long!!
Honestly … if you never do another program AGAIN of mine then DO.THIS.PROGRAM. as this?
Plus all of this new content for 2018
- The keys to the kingdom of my MOST transformational mindset program ever!
- NEW Live Deep Dive Workshop with MEEEEEE to kick it off: Sunday July 29th, 9pm Brisbane time – “This is How I Manifest” (includes my exact breakdown and process around INSTANT manifestation, plus full overview of everything you need to understand / have in place for that to become your REALITY)
- NEW Facebook Group of Badassery to share your shifts, breakthroughs, transformational amazingness + get ALL the feedback and support
- LIVE 30 full days of support (okay same thing as previous point, but just being super clear!)
- Free copy of my book 100 Shit Hot Journaling Questions to Ask to Create Exceptional Success in Business and Life
- AND – as if that weren’t all enough, and even though this goes COMPLETELY against what I would normally do in a program priced this low –
- Not one but TWO additional live Hotseat style Journaling Q&A livestreams with yours truly. Yes, that’s in addition to the new live workshop plus all the content!
AND – !
- Weekly copies of my ACTUAL journaling, photographed for you straight out of my beautiful gold-leafed book, plus an accompanying breakdown of what I dived into, and how to apply that!
All of this PLUS –
- Daily.Freaking.Content – YES, every day for 30 days – to guide you exactly on how you too can Journal Your Way to Rich, Successful, Free!
This will change your fucking life. This is EVERYTHING. I have never felt so passionately about bringing something to life and if I could come round to your house and forcibly sign you up I would! But since that’s not viable right now, let’s do it this way –
Straight up, what I wanted to charge and absolutely thought I WAS going to charge $997 for this program, like I did back in 2016. Can I tell you something? If you implement even ONE day of what I’m going to teach you, you’re going to make a HELLUVA lot more than $997 back on that!!
Because of using this content over and over again in my own life I have literally built my business to where it makes over 400k per MONTH, completely from me doing me and doing the work I was BORN for.
I also maintain the exact bikini body I want …
I live my life exactly as I want from a lifestyle and travel point of view …
I wake up every day with awesome energy and focus and I find it easy to hustle, create, sell all day long and CONTINUE to perpetuate my results …
I can deal with stress, anxiety, fear, even SERIOUS big shit in a matter of moments because I know how to THINK and create the outcome I want FAST.
EVERYTHING I decide I want becomes mine simply through this practice!
$997 to learn and also be asskicked to APPLY all this?
Is a mother fucking bargain!
And it’s not me this shit works for either. My gift is around helping you to INSTANTLY see who you need to be and how to BE that person, and often with as little as ONE exercise which I’ll be covering in this course, or a simple few words shared, I have clients have an immediate success.
I’ve had clients, after doing my journaling work:
Have an instant 100k day
Sell 3 x 50k JUST invented packages overnight
Have their first 10k month right out of the gate of just starting working with me
Lose 6 pounds in a week … without us even focusing on weight loss or fitness, but just because of the overall focus to elevate!
Pay off BIG debts
Call in their dream relationship
And the biggest one of all, which I hear DAILY?
After following your work Kat I finally feel like I’m living the life I was meant to LIVE. I’ve never done so much in such a short period of time and I CAN’T THANK YOU ENOUGH.
I paraphrased that but I hear that statement every single day. I have literally hundreds of screenshots to that effect and THIS is what it’s ALL about for me.
I’d love to help you step up like this as well, to step even FURTHER up, to step FULLY up to BE the person you know you came here to be!
And because I care about this SO damn much I’m NOT going to do it for 997.
I sat with it and even though I knew that was initially THE price for the program, I also knew –
This one is EXTRA fucking special. Plus we’re bringing this back to go live once again in 2018.
So I need to DO something extra fucking special.
So, it’s not $997.
It’s not $897, not $797,
Okay, okay … We are talking super low cost! So right now as a special home study price, you can get this for just $347!
Let’s do this gorgeous!
Sign up now to the at home study programme and pay just $347! That’s a saving of 30% off the original cost!
Change your perception, change your life – how to stretch the edges of possibility and reality and live the impossible NOW! Deep dive training and implementation exercises with Katrina Ruth!!
No Need To Tell Me More, Kat, I’m In! Sign Me Up Like The Driven Do Something MOFO I am!
Ready to Journal and CREATE to Rich, Successful, FREE?
Click the button above to sign up and pay just $347 upfront (best price) OR to take the payment plan option!
Bonuses! Goodies! More AWESOME!
Okay okay, so I know there is already a LOT going on with this program, and obviously we’re talking about intensive DAILY content from me to get you diving deep and taking action for RESULTS right away, but also?
More is fucking cool!
And nothing is more fun for me than putting together the most badass offer out there for you. I want to blow the roof off with this course, I am so damn sure of how it’s going to impact you! So here is what I’ve come up with in order to make it that extra SO damn awesome next level shit for you.
CALLING IN THE MONEY FLOW – Bonus VIDEO training for you in which I share EXACTLY how I do my money affirmations and actually GIVE you 100 of my own personal money affirmations and intentions which you can use on repeat!
Valued at $197! Yours FREE with Journal Your Way to Rich, Successful, FREE!
STATE CHANGING – Nothing is more annoying than not FEELING the vibe you need to feel in order to get your shit DONE, so I’m going to map out for you exactly how to change your energy state and go from low to GO when you need to get your hustle on. I have a very specific process I use to get myself in vibe. What, you think I walk around like this all the time?! Not exactly … this document alone is worth more than the cost of this entire program, as implementing even ONE action from kit ONE time will more than make you your investment back!
Valued at $197! Yours FREE with Journal Your Way to Rich, Successful, FREE!
IDEA CREATOR – Need to come up with something NOW to make more money, to rock out your existing launch, to sort an existing problem, to create or achieve something you’ve never DONE before? This is my SPECIALTY gorgeous! I’m an idea and content MACHINE … you might have noticed! So in this bonus I’m going to map out for you the step by step process I use to get my idea muscle JACKED. Honestly, if I launched every awesome money making’ idea I had I’d probably already be at over a million a month instead of 400k+! So I might as well share some of this goodness with you!
Valued at $197! Yours FREE with Journal Your Way to Rich, Successful, FREE!
What are you waiting for gorgeous? Do you want to journal your way to rich, successful, free and finally create EVERYTHING you know is inside of you, or don’t you?
Okay then!! Let’s do this!
Sign up now and save 30%
Change your perception, change your life – how to stretch the edges of possibility and reality and live the impossible NOW! Deep dive training and implementation exercises with Katrina Ruth!!
No Need To Tell Me More, Kat, I’m In! Sign Me Up Like The Driven Do Something MOFO I am!
Ready to Journal and CREATE to Rich, Successful, FREE?
Click the button above to sign up and pay just $347 upfront (best price) OR to take the payment plan option!
Still Here? Here’s my Final Call to Action, From My Heart to Yours
You know you were born for more.
You have ALWAYS known this.
There is ZERO doubt in your mind that it’s true and real and if you’re honest with yourself you have never DOUBTED that you WILL get there, all the way to the top, and live your purpose driven DREAMS!
But, you’re tired of waiting.
You’re sick of wondering why not your and why not yet.
And most of all you’re pretty damn over the creeping niggling feeling that maybe just maybe you were WRONG, because shouldn’t it have happened by now?!
I want you to know that I live and breathe EVERYTHING I teach and preach.
I journal every.single.day.
I have created my REALITY from it.
This shit WORKS. This is the first and foremost thing you simply MUST cultivate as a habit if you’re even moderately serious about success, and baby I do NOT think you were born for moderately successful!!
So stop PRETENDING that if you just push harder, try more, do more WORK that you’re gonna get anywhere except more frustrated plus OLDER than what you are now.
It’s time to step up.
To OWN up.
To (wo)man the FUCK up.
And to JOURNAL your way to RICH, SUCCESSFUL, and FREE.
This was such a transformational course that I’m bringing it back for 2018!
Just to recap, you’re going to get….Everything listed on this page from the orignal course I ran in 2016….
* The keys to the kingdom of my MOST transformational mindset program ever!
* NEW Live Deep Dive Workshop with MEEEEEE to kick it off: Sunday July 29th, 9pm Brisbane time – “This is How I Manifest” (includes my exact breakdown and process around INSTANT manifestation, plus full overview of everything you need to understand / have in place for that to become your REALITY)
* NEW Facebook Group of Badassery to share your shifts, breakthroughs, transformational amazingness + get ALL the feedback and support
* LIVE 30 full days of support (okay same thing as previous point, but just being super clear!)
* Free copy of my book 100 Shit Hot Journaling Questions to Ask to Create Exceptional Success in Business and Life
AND – as if that weren’t all enough, and even though this goes COMPLETELY against what I would normally do in a program priced this low –
* Not one but TWO additional live Hotseat style Journaling Q&A livestreams with yours truly. Yes, that’s in addition to the new live workshop plus all the content!
AND – !
* Weekly copies of my ACTUAL journaling, photographed for you straight out of my beautiful gold-leafed book, plus an accompanying breakdown of what I dived into, and how to apply that!
All of this PLUS –
Daily.Freaking.Content – YES, every day for 30 days – to guide you exactly on how you too can Journal Your Way to Rich, Successful, Free!
It’s YOUR time, and it IS today, after ALL –
Life is NOW! Press Play!
Sign up now to the at home study programme and pay just $347! That’s a saving of 30% off the original cost!
Change your perception, change your life – how to stretch the edges of possibility and reality and live the impossible NOW! Deep dive training and implementation exercises with Katrina Ruth!!
No Need To Tell Me More, Kat, I’m In! Sign Me Up Like The Driven Do Something MOFO I am!
Ready to Journal and CREATE to Rich, Successful, FREE?
Click the button above to sign up and pay just $347 upfront (best price) OR to take the payment plan option!
I literally wrote this car into my reality!!
this house too!
I journaled THIS to life too!
Sign up now to the at home study programme and save 30%!
Change your perception, change your life – how to stretch the edges of possibility and reality and live the impossible NOW! Deep dive training and implementation exercises with Katrina Ruth!!
No Need To Tell Me More, Kat, I’m In! Sign Me Up Like The Driven Do Something MOFO I am!
Ready to Journal and CREATE to Rich, Successful, FREE?
Click the button above to sign up and pay just $347 upfront (best price) OR to take the payment plan option!
Proof Content
Sale Page: https://thekatrinaruthshow.com/journalyourwaytorich/
Archive: https://web.archive.org/save/https://thekatrinaruthshow.com/journalyourwaytorich/
Delivery Method
– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from imcourse.info.
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).
Thank You For Shopping With Us!
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