Search Engine Phantom
“With One ‘Stealth’ Weapon You Can Get Better Rankings, More Sales, AND More Traffic Than Your Server Can Handle!”
This Breakthrough System Includes 4 Cutting-Edge Tools That Have Quietly And Effectively Helped Generate BILLIONS Of Website Visitors In The Past 3 Years!
You want money?
Then you need traffic. Lots and lots and LOTS of traffic! And the more traffic you get, the more money you make.
It’s THAT simple!
- You’ve got your own product to sell? You need TRAFFIC to sell it.
- You’ve got affiliate programs to promote? You need TRAFFIC to promote them.
- You’ve got a mailing list to build? You need TRAFFIC to build it.
- You’ve got Google ads to be clicked? You need TRAFFIC to click them.
Got the message? Good! Now let’s get down to business…
From: Jeff Alderson
Dear Friend,
When all is said and done, it doesn’t really matter HOW you plan to generate income online…
There’s no way to get it accomplished if you don’t have hoards and hoards of traffic coming to your website.
Sales, promotions, sign-ups, ad clicks… they ALL require viewer traffic.
But you probably already know that. In fact, you’ve probably reached the stage where you’re ready to do something drastic just to get more traffic.
How drastic?
I don’t know. Maybe one of those “black hat” marketing techniques that usually winds up getting you banned from Google search listings.
Or maybe some “fly by night” technique that takes a ton of money and a ton of work to put in place but only remains effective for a short period of time (usually just long enough for the next best technique to rear its head).
Forget about all that.
There are only a few surefire SEO methods of gaining considerable traffic to your web pages. And they’ve been around for as long as marketers have been generating wads of cash online.
They don’t get your blackballed from search engines. They don’t fizzle out after a couple of months. And they don’t require a ton of cash and work in order to put them in place.
But the important thing to remember is the REASON these traffic-generating SEO methods have been around so long. And WHY they’re just as effective now as when they first came into play.
Plain and simple… they actually WORK!
Time and time again, day after day, these methods are responsible for unlimited gains in traffic. Which, of course, results in unlimited gains of income. Not just for a chosen few, but for EVERYONE who uses these techniques.
Think about it…
Unlike some methods that only work under certain conditions or with specific circumstances, these “tried and true” techniques work no matter what – any time, any place, any where.
You need targeted traffic, you’ve got it.
And it just keeps coming, and coming, and coming. Like a runaway freight train, there’s no way to stop it even if you wanted to.
Of course, who in their right mind would want to STOP quality traffic once they started receiving it.
Gaining Unlimited Targeted Traffic Can
Be One Of The EASIEST Things You’ll Ever Do
That’s right. Getting unlimited traffic to any given web page can actually be EASY to accomplish.
And all you have to do is use the right tools and the right method. Which is exactly what Search Engine Phantom gives you!
What? Did you say Search Engine Phantom? What the heck is that?
Well… think of it as a system that works silently behind the scenes with stealth precision.
No one really knows it’s there. But the RESULTS of its powerful process are “in-your-face” undeniable…
What you get is higher page rank, unlimited traffic, high-volume sales, and most importantly… MORE MONEY!
And the system itself? It’s made up of four KILLER ingredients…
Extremely effective when used by themselves. Absolutely unstoppable when combined into one formidable traffic-generating, bone-crunching, sales-producing power!
And at the core of it all is the power to generate unlimited viewer traffic…
Power Ingredient #1
In order to gain a lot of viewer traffic, you need to publish plenty of pages that search engines like Google will give top listing and rank.
And the perfect program for doing that is Traffic Equalizer (this package also includes a *very specific* way to use this powerful software)…
It doesn’t matter if you’re an inexperienced “newbie” – this targeted traffic generator is guaranteed to work… no matter what you happen to be promoting!
Simply import a list of keywords, fill in a few form fields, and Traffic Equalizer automatically creates pages optimized for search engines.
- You’re guaranteed to attract the “exact” viewers YOU happen to be looking for.
- There’s no way you can mess things up! Do it half-heartedly and you’ll STILL generate tons of highly targeted traffic.
- In a matter of minutes, you can generate optimized web pages for as many keywords as you like. It’s entirely up to you.
And get this… unlike other SEO techniques, you will NEVER have to choose between keywords or labor over which ones will be the most effective. Just throw any related keywords into the mix and let them ALL work for you.
After all, you’ll be able to create unlimited keyword optimized pages with the touch of a button. So why NOT take advantage of each and every related keyword? Just think of the kind of traffic you would enjoy…
Assuming you used 1,000 keywords and each one brought in 25 visits a month (a conservative number), your website would ultimately receive 25,000 unique and highly targeted viewers on a monthly basis!
And once you finally start generating massive amounts of traffic, every OTHER online opportunity will become available to you…
- When it comes to conducting business over the Internet, your first priority is (and always will be) to MAKE MONEY. And as long as you’re attracting plenty of targeted traffic, you’ll automatically generate a lot more sales.
- When other businesses and websites see the incredible volume of unique visitors you’re receiving, they’ll do everything they possibly can to hitch a ride on YOUR traffic wave!
- With tons of traffic to your credit, you can start cutting the kind of deals that benefit YOU the most! That means forming lucrative joint ventures and business partnerships, getting paid to advertise. You name it!
- Ever put a website on hold because you weren’t sure there was a market to support it? Now you can create whatever you want, build a site around whatever product you like. Traffic Equalizer will take care of driving all the targeted traffic you need!
- You know those “special” offers, exclusive products, and pay-to-click search boxes – ones that are ONLY available to sites that receive “x” amount of monthly traffic? Now YOU can take advantage of each and every one of them!
Traffic Equalizer gives ANYONE with ANY type of website or product the ability to easily generate highly targeted traffic. And that means only thing…
You’ll attract thousands of viewers who are specifically and tightly focused on what YOU happen to be promoting.
Power Ingredient #2
If you’ve been on the Internet for more than a few minutes, then you’re most likely aware of just how difficult it is to achieve top search engine rank. And just as likely, you realize it can be more difficult to KEEP good page rank.
There’s ONE major factor that will not only alleviate both problems, it will practically “guarantee” top search engine page rank if used properly.
And what exactly is this miraculous little jewel? Three simple words…
Really Simple Syndication. Or, as we in the “business” commonly refer to it… RSS.
You need fresh new content that will guarantee your web pages STAY at the top of search engine listing and rank.
To accomplish something like that, you need a powerful program like RSS Equalizer. Just look at these powerful benefits…
- allows you to add fully dynamic theme-related content to your web pages
- specially designed to work seamlessly with Traffic Equalizer
- pages are automatically updated whenever RSS feeds are updated
- frequent content changes equates to more visits from search engine spiders
- there is no javascript involved – your pages remain in HTML format
- gives you a built-in lucrative and effortless income source through ClickBank
- has advanced keyword tracking built right in for traffic analysis
- easily add unlimited RSS feeds for maximum flexibility
- build groups of RSS feeds that will act as a single RSS feed
- caching of RSS feeds greatly reduces your bandwidth
- use multiple instances of RSS Equalizer on any Web page
- rotate unlimited RSS feeds to avoid stale content
As a webmaster, you’ve got more than enough work to do. So why spend even more time writing fresh new web content?
Starting right now, YOUR website could be displaying quality theme-based content… automatically!
With RSS Equalizer you’ll be offering your viewers valuable content that’s highly relevant to what you’re promoting.
And, you’ll be serving up great content 24 hours a day, 7 days a week… WITHOUT having to lift a finger.
The bottom line is… if you’re not using RSS Equalizer, you’re only working at a fraction of your maximum SEO capacity. AND you’re minimizing your chances of not only getting top search engine page rank but KEEPING it as well!
Power Ingredient #3
The only thing missing is the glue that holds everything together, a virtual roadmap that “forces” search engine spiders to go where you want them to go.
But there’s A LOT more to sitemap success than simply pointing spiders in the right direction. And Sitemap Equalizer is exactly what you need to cover all the bases!
Even though Google provides webmasters with a method of submitting their web pages, the entire process leaves a lot to be desired…
Especially when it comes to making sure that any sitemap you create is EXACTLY what Google wants.
I was also NEVER satisfied with what the other sitemap programs had to offer. Not that there was anything wrong with them. They just didn’t have all the features I thought should be contained in one single tool.
With Sitemap Equalizer, you get the ultimate range of sitemap creation benefits. Just open one program to do it all…
- Create proper sitemaps of the highest quality and accuracy with push-button ease.
- Auto-submits your sitemap to Google, Yahoo,, and MSN with a single click of your mouse.
- Unique and powerful web spider crawls your entire website beforehand, making absolutely certain there are no “dead ends” where search engine crawlers can get stuck in a loop
- Full and accurate page count guarantees that all links on your website can be followed – if the built-in spider count matches the number of pages on your site, you know that all your pages are accessible.
- Shows you all the pages AND the page titles – a quick scan of the list tells you right away whether or not any pages are missing – allows you to simply upload the ones that are missing (rather than having to upload all the pages because you don’t know which ones you missed the first time around)
- An accurate list of URLs and page titles makes it easy to scan the list (either during or after the spidering) in order to quickly locate any missing or generic page titles – so you can replace them with the kind of keyword rich titles the search engines love.
- Advanced readout lets you see at a glance if any meta keyword and description tags have been left out – (prevents pages from being listed with blank or non-existent meta tags).
- Quickly and easily scan through your URLs in order to locate any parameters that will make Google totally ignore them (based on Google’s own guidelines).
- Gives you the ability to scan for domain name consistency – since proper sitemaps must pertain to only one subdomain, this also helps prevent possible duplicate content problems in the search engines.
- Shows you exactly which of your pages are indexed by Google and which ones are not.
- Simple refresh lets you know right away when the sitemap you submit to Google kicks in.
- Ensures accuracy by allowing you to create your sitemaps based on three different methods – off a live website, or your FTP directory, or a local folder on your computer.
- Gives you a simple and convenient means to manage item priority and change frequency on your Google sitemap.
- Lets you save your project so you can open it at a later date – if you take the time to define priorities and change frequencies and set it all up exactly how you want this can be a huge time saver from having to start all over every time you add pages
- Allows you to output your sitemap to the correct XML sitemap format used by Google, Yahoo, MSN, and, as well as other major engines.
- Allows you to output your sitemap in plain text feed format to engines that don’t yet support the XML format.
- Allows you to output your sitemap to a static html template which you can upload as part of your site to ensure that all crawlers have a valid path to all your pages.
Submit your sitemap to Google and you’ll experience major benefits…
Your sitemap will be automatically updated, your pages will ALL be found (and indexed), and you’ll receive statistics for search terms that your pages are associated with and that users click on.
Plus, you’ll know if the Google crawler encounters any errors while spidering your site…
There’s little or NO benefit if it turns out there are pages that can’t be found, links that are broken, page titles that are generic or missing, areas of your site that can’t be crawled!
Of course, the fact that Google will recheck your sitemap on a regular basis makes the entire process even easier to handle…
All you have to do is update your sitemap file and Google will know which new pages have been added, WITHOUT you having to resubmit the sitemap!
Power Ingredient #4
Getting the rank and rank statistics of your own web pages is important. But being armed with that same information for websites that are competing with yours can be even more important.
The trouble is… gathering this type of crucial information can eat up hours and hours of your valuable time. And I’m certain we can both agree that time is one of (if not THE) most important assets we webmasters have.
Now you can quickly and easily get all the pages on the server, the number of pages indexed by Google, Link Popularity, Alexa Rank, the rank of each page on Google, Yahoo, and MSN… PLUS you can view a complete Summary Report!
And remember, you can also “spy” on your competitors and get the same information for their websites!
The whole point of creating SEO Spider was to reduce the time and work involved in yet another important webmaster task. That’s why I’m not about to waste your time now rambling on and on about how great this software program is.
Instead, I’ll cut right to the features and let you decide for yourself…
- spider ANY website and build a list of URL’s – along with the titles – for each page on that server
- quickly and easily query Google to find out how many pages are indexed and what the rank is for each of those listed pages
- powerful phrase matching search option gives you the most targeted rank results for every page indexed by Google
- check individual pages or use the convenient “Check All” features to analyze the entire list
- if you don’t wish to use the default page title during the query, it allows you to make changes just by clicking on the title
- discover how well your website performs over time and know at-a-glance if you’re improving your results
- easily analyze any and all competitors websites and discover all of their TOP performing pages
- “smart” technology ensures that disallowed pages such as robots.txt files won’t get indexed/listed
- features 100% customizable search engine and website courtesy levels for maximum safety
- searches whois records uncovering contact and domain registration information for any webmaster
- compare any two websites to find out which has more indexed pages, better link popularity and a lower Alexa rank
- reports the number of pages on the server, the number of pages indexed by Google, link popularity, and Alexa rank
- delivers a concise Summary Report with page rank statistics — you can view the report, save, or even email it
- gives you the option of saving all the results, saving only the selected results, printing, and/or exporting to CSV
- know whether or not Google is updating their index with our handy Google Dance Tool
Using SEO Spider, you can keep up with valuable page ranks and rank statistics – yours AND the competition – without wasting precious time and energy.
It’s fast, it’s easy, and it puts you exactly where you need to be… way out in front of all your competitors!
Put Your Own “Stealth” System To Work For You!
Search Engine Phantom is quite possibly THE most important and effective system you’ll ever encounter at such an affordable price.
Why? Because it collectively gives you everything you need in order to…
- drive unlimited traffic
- get high page rank and listings
- supply quality content automatically
- manipulate search engine spiders
Don’t waste valuable time and energy doing more than you have to…
With just four powerful “phantom” tools – Traffic Equalizer, RSS Equalizer, Sitemap Equalizer and SEO Spider – you’ll get the best possible results!
And you KNOW what that means…
More traffic equals MORE MONEY!
Of course…
The tools that drive this sytem are only HALF the equation. What you really need is step-by-step, fool-proof INSIDER information that will guarantee you put everything together just right.
So where do you get this kind of incredible insider information? Well…
It just so happens that I’ve put together a comprehensive report that gives you EXACTLY the steps to follow. Which means you can’t possibly fail!
Exclusive Bonus! Search Engine
Phantom Niche Domination Report
This 22 page report contains information (the “secrets”, actually) that successful marketers are using every day to generate tens of thousands of dollars!
- follow my step-by-step blueprint for proper niche and keyword research for top search engine rankings
- discover the can’t-fail strategies that will guarantee your success well into the future
- implement ONE simple change and you’ll automatically solve three of the most challenging problems facing all marketers
- learn how to properly and permanently set YOUR niche sites apart from all the would-be competition
- what you need to do in order to make certain you don’t prevent your own pages from being indexed
- find out the two most effective methods to generate even more targeted viewer traffic
- and much, much more!
Insane! You get all the tools you need PLUS the exact steps to follow in order to make them 100% effective!
Get Download Jeff Alderson – Search Engine Phantom at right now!
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