[Download Now] Briana MacWilliam MPS, ATR-BC, LCAT – (Self-Study, 1.5 CEs) Complicated Grief and Creative Arts Therapy (I)
Archive: https://archive.fo/KnRZF
Applicable for Self Help and Mental Health professionals.
(1.5 Self-Study CE contact hours for LCATs in New York State)
The work of grief includes the meaning making of memories; the weaving of symbol into story. Like a thumbprint, no two persons are the same, and so it is with how we make meaning of our stories.
Complicated Grief is a form of prolonged, unabating grief. Supported by empirical study, this diagnosis was added to the DSM V in 2013, and is distinctly different from “normal” grief and depression. Essential to treating Complicated Grief is an understanding of the underlying neural mechanisms and attachment issues.
This course offers an Introduction to theory and treatment of Complicated Grief with Creative Arts Therapies, through the frame of mindfulness and attachment, and will be hosted by Briana MacWilliam ATR-BC, LCAT.
Much of the material discussed is derived from Ms. MacWilliam’s first edited publication, Complicated Grief, Attachment and Art Therapy: Theory, Treatment and 14 Ready-to-Use Protocols, currently available for pre-order on Amazon.
Part I: Emphasis on Research and Theory
In Part I of this presentation, there will be an emphasis on research and theory relevant to the history and diagnostic criteria of complicated grief, as well as an introduction to strategies in treatment, incorporating mindfulness-based strategies through an attachment framework.
An outline of an 8-week treatment protocol will be provided, and a video of the first experiential directive will be shared.
Topics for Part I include:
- Symptoms of Complicated Grief
- The Neurobiology of Attachment
- Grief and Addiction
- Models for Grief
- Complicated Grief and Depression
- Vulnerability to Complicated Grief
- The Dual-Process Coping Model
- Experiential Introduction to an 8-Week Treatment Protocol
You will also receive:
- A printable copy of this directive
- The handouts used in the demonstration
- An outline of this presentation
- A FREE, downloadable guided meditation, to use in practice
Participants will be able to…
- Identify the definitions of the detachment model and the reunion model for grief.
- Identify two factors affecting a susceptibility to Complicated Grief.
- Identify the definitions of loss-related strategies and restoration-related strategies, in treatment.
Check out Part II of this presentation,to enrich your learning and understanding…
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If you are interested in continuing education contact hours…
This course is currently offering 1.5 self-study, continuing education contact hours, for Licensed Creative Arts Therapists in New York State.
In order to obtain these contact hours you will need:
- To complete all Lesson modules (there is a tracking system that monitors if you watched all lectures to their completion and opened all lesson modules, etc.).
- To complete a course evaluation through Survey Monkey.
- To complete a graded learning assessment (you must answer at least 75% of the questions correctly; this score will trigger the release of your certificate by email).
A reminder about self-study and continuing education:
For LCATs in New York State, a self-study course can only equal 1/3 of the required contact hours for your license renewal. So, if your license renews in three years, you will require 36 continuing education contact hours, thus a maximum of 12 of those hours can be self-study. The rest of your contact hours must be live events. This includes online webinars, which CreativeArtsTherapiesOnline.com will be offering on a monthly basis, starting in February of 2017. All enrolled students will be updated on new live and self-study course launches. So keep an eye out for our newsletter!
Please click here for Webinar FAQs.
Please click here for a full webinar calendar.
Please click here for a full list of available self-studies.
If you have any problems or technical difficulties, please contact Briana MacWilliam at [email protected].
Briana MacWilliam, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed creative arts therapists #CAT-0014.
Course Curriculum
- Start
Video Lecture_Research and Theory (23:12)
- Start
Video Lecture_Mindfulness and a Guided Mediation Experiential (26:46)
- Start
Video Lecture_Concluding Activity (23:48)
- Start
Presentation Outline
- Start
Handout and Sample Directive
- Preview
FREE Guided Meditation_Four Cornerstone Questions for Grief
- Start
Course Evaluation
- Start
Certificate of Completion
Delivery Method
– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from imcourse.info.
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).
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