Concepts in Marketing
This course provides a comprehensive survey of fundamental marketing principles and skills. Students will learn how marketing managers develop strategy, research consumer needs, and identify target markets. In addition to covering the importance of global marketing and e-commerce, students will learn how to satisfy market opportunities with the “4 Ps”— product, pricing, promotion, and placement. Each video lesson integrates a company or organization case study with core learning objectives. As each case study unfolds, students will learn general concepts, definitions of terms, product or service history, and the latest in marketing trends. The study guide reinforces the textbook and video lesson content and provides drill and practice exercises for an all-inclusive learning experience.
Produced in association with McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Video Lesson 1: Introduction to Marketing presents the fundamentals of marketing through a destination marketing program.
Case Study: Las Vegas
Video Lesson 2: Marketing Strategy demonstrates how successful organizations set strategy to carry out their mission.
Case Study: Habitat for Humanity International
Video Lesson 3: Environmental Scanning examines the five sources of environmental trends: social, economic, technological, competitive, and regulatory forces.
Case Study: Freedom Innovations, Inc.
Video Lesson 4: Ethics & Social Responsibility distinguishes between laws and ethics, and introduces the concepts of social responsibility and green marketing.
Case Study: Starbucks Coffee Company
Video Lesson 5: Consumer Behavior describes factors that influence the five-stage consumer purchase decision process.
Case Study: Dewey Weber Surfboards
Video Lesson 6: The Organizational Buying Process describes organizational markets, business (B2B) marketing, and organizational buyer behavior.
Case Study: Nature’s Best
Video Lesson 7: Global Marketing describes the dynamics of world trade, and illustrates the challenges of developing a worldwide marketing strategy.
Case Study: TaylorMade-adidas Golf
Video Lesson 8: Marketing Research demonstrates how researchers define a marketing problem, develop a research plan, collect and analyze data, and present findings.
Case Study: Information Resources, Inc.
Video Lesson 9: Segmenting & Targeting Markets examines how organizations identify market segments and match them with specific marketing actions.
Case Study: Chocolates a la Carte, Inc.
Video Lesson 10: New Product & Service Development introduces the new-product process, from strategy development to commercialization.
Case Study: Stadium Competitions, Inc.
Video Lesson 11: Managing Products & Services defines the product life cycle and principles of brand management.
Case Study: Quiksilver, Inc.
Video Lesson 12: Pricing Products & Services reveals some of the variables in pricing and examines costs and other considerations included in the decision.
Case Study: Stuart Cellars, LLC
Video Lesson 13: Marketing Channels & Supply Chains explains the issues of channel choice, logistics, and supply chain management.
Case Study: Pacific Coast Feather Cushion Company
Video Lesson 14: Retailing & Wholesaling examines the role that retailers and wholesalers play in marketing and illustrates how they create customer value.
Case Study: Mother’s Market & Kitchen
Video Lesson 15: Integrated Marketing Communications introduces the promotional mix, illustrates how elements are integrated in a promotion program, and highlights direct marketing.
Case Study: Specialized Marketing Services, Inc.
Video Lesson 16: Advertising, Sales Promotion, & Public Relations elaborates on the promotional elements of advertising, sales promotion, and public relations.
Case Study: Long Beach Ice Dogs
Video Lesson 17: Personal Selling & Sales Management demonstrates the principles of sales management and personal selling, including the 6-stage personal selling process.
Case Study: The Telein Group, Inc.
Video Lesson 18: Interactive & Multichannel Marketing illustrates how marketers use Internet technologies in combination with traditional marketing channels to create customer value and build relationships.
Case Study: SmartHome, Inc.
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